Supplier Sustainability Policy

Last update: September 25, 2023

Electra FM, a leading IFM company, is committed to sustainable practices throughout its supply chain.

As a leading company in its field, we adhere to high standards of sustainability in all areas of activity and the services we provide.

Electra FM’s Supplier Sustainability Policy is designed to ensure that all our suppliers meet and apply the same standards in their business operations and throughout their supply chain.

Compliance with this policy by the suppliers will be subject to review at the discretion of Electra FM. Electra will give priority to suppliers who comply with this policy.




    • This policy applies to all companies, organizations or individuals that provide products or services to Electra FM, including suppliers, subcontractors, and other representatives (“Supplier”).


    • Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules, as well as ethical conduct standards, including those related to human rights, environmental protection, workplace health and safety, and bribery and corruption. Electra FM expects Suppliers to implement and maintain appropriate policies and procedures to ensure compliance with these requirements.




    • Ethics:
      Suppliers must conduct their business ethically and honestly, in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and avoid any prohibited business activities.


    • Prevention of child labor:
      Suppliers must only employ people who are at least 15 years old. They must also comply with all applicable laws on teenage employment, including limits on working hours and job types.


    • Working and resting hours:
      Suppliers must ensure that employees do not work more than the legally allowed hours, and must fairly compensate employees for overtime work. Employees must also be allowed to have at least one day off in every seven days.


    • Salary and benefits:
      The supplier must comply to all applicable laws and regulations on minimum wage and benefits.


    • Harassment and bullying:
      Suppliers must ensure that their workplace is free from all forms of harassment and bullying, including physical, verbal, and sexual harassment.


    • Freedom of association:
      Employees have the right to form or join trade unions of their choice. Suppliers should communicate effectively with employees to promote positive labor relations.


    • Occupational health and safety:
      Suppliers must provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards. Suppliers should conduct risk assessments, provide appropriate training, and prepare for emergencies. Electra encourages suppliers to adopt best practices for health and safety management.


    • Environmental protection:
      Suppliers should conserve natural resources and protect the environment. Electra encourages suppliers to manage and report on their greenhouse gas emissions and adopt best practices for environmental management.


    • Community engagement:
      Suppliers should promote community activity, mutual aid, and support for less fortunate populations. When possible, suppliers should integrate the activities of employees and managers into the community.


    • Diversity, equity and inclusion:
      Suppliers should make an effort to create a diverse and inclusive workplace, with managers and employees from all backgrounds, including people with special needs. They must also comply with all applicable workplace accessibility regulations.


Sustainability Management


Suppliers must develop and manage a process to identify and assess risks to sustainability in their operations, including employee rights, human rights, health and safety, environmental protection, business ethics, and regulatory compliance. They must then implement appropriate procedures to control and monitor these risks.

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