Katia Borodin

Conference of work plans of the maintenance division

On 22/2, the annual work plan conference of the maintenance division was held in the RIVERSIDE hallsin Tel Aviv. Avi Matzliach, CEO of the Maintenance Division, reviewed the company’s activities and significant achievements over the past year and presented the topics on which the Division will focus this year. Among the most important of these is the reduction of safety incidents and the growth engines of the division.

Field Service Conference

In January of last year, the managers of the Mobile Service Division held a meeting to discuss their work plans for 2024. During the meeting, Nadav Hartal, CEO of Electra Field Service, provided a summary of the division’s performance in 2023 and discussed how they dealt with the events of October 7. He also guided the division in preparing for the return of reservists who were expected to resume their routine work.

Meet Idit Shani, VP of IFM and Strategic Customers.

Idit Shani is 48 years old, from Hod Hasharon, and married to Yigal. She is a mother of two: Tomer and Ben. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Derby. She joined ElectraFM about six years ago, after gaining 25 years of experience in IFM and operations in high-tech customers.

Enhancing Community Security: A Proactive Approach for Tomorrow

On the fateful day of October 7th, the State of Israel was shaken by a terrorist attack that profoundly altered the sense of security within its northern communities. In the aftermath of this harrowing event, Electra Security has spearheaded a thorough examination of the defense mechanisms in place for cities and towns, engaging in dialogues with Chief Security Officers (CSOs), alert squad members, affected residents, abductees, law enforcement personnel, military commanders, and soldiers from various branches of combat.

Green is Clean is spreading through the Hi-Tech Sector

In the January 2024 edition of TheMarker’s “Israeli Hi-Tech Book” (Hebrew version), which focused on the role of hi-tech in the war effort and the post-war reality, an article by Tavas CEO Ilan Shimoni was published. The article emphasized that even amid national and geopolitical reconstruction, it’s crucial to minimize our negative impact on the planet.